
I N S I D E O U T – An IDG Workshop for the Youth

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I N S I D E O U T – An IDG Workshop for the Youth

On May 30, this new edition of the Inner Development Goals Meetup will take place in the HUB in the Koninklijke Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. It is an initiative of the IDG-Hub-Utrecht. Various ambassadors offer new perspectives on existing wicked issues from the perspective of inner development. Thinking, being, feeling and coming to constructive action together from a gradual process and connection.

Network advisor (Mental) care & health Wico Mulder is involved of ‘Alles is Gezondheid’, together with Carin Cuipers (Geluks BV) and Chantal Walg (Anders Gezond). During this Inner Development Goals meetup the aim is to present you with the  Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework, explain about it, and do some exercises to help you understand these concepts and their value. You will most likely leave with some ideas and tools to implement these concepts outside of this workshop.

Students initiative

Six international students have (as part of their social service) developed a workshop for young people (Peer Education). The purpose of their workshop is to learn about personal development and growth by applying the principles of the IDG (Inner Development Goals) through Peer Education (Young people learn from Young people). On May 30, the students would like to share and test their workshop with you in order to make it even better and launch the final version on June 21st.

For whom?

The students are looking for young people who want to get inspired by this knowledge or are interested in becoming a peer-educator themselves. They are also looking for organizations / companies that work with young people and may want to apply this workshop in their own organization.

What you can expect:

  • Introduction on the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The core idea of the Inner Development Goals  explaining the IDG framework.
  • Exercises: using the IDGs as guides. Not as the full focus.1. Business cards with habit promises to yourself
    2. Discuss controversial topics using IDGs such as Zwarte Pete, immigrants, nitrogen limits for farmers, veganism/vegetarianism, second hand consumption (fast fashion), marijuana, public transport. How can you empathise, visualise and solve it? What is the plan?
    ● Description of the assignment:
    This assignment tends to focus on making people aware of the positive things
    in life, or make people look at what they want to do/ see more in the future.
    Part 1: individual reflection
    Part 2: plenary discussion
    Part 3: Conclusion
    Please subscribe via the button below. Only 30 seats are available since this will be a highly interactive session with special attention to every attendant by the ‘IDG-Hub-team.’ See you there?

I N S I D E O U T – An IDG Workshop for the Youth

Datum: dinsdag 30 mei
Time: 18:00 - 20:00 uur
Location: Jaarbeurs Innovation Mile (JIM) - Utrecht


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Jaarbeurs Innovation Mile (JIM)

Jaarbeursplein 6, 3521Al Utrecht

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